News, brags, announcements!
Bear with me, please - I have a LOT of catching up to do on this page! Please EMAIL me whatever you'd like included on this page with the year in which your dog achieved it as well as their FULL official AKC names with titles. Thank you!
FLIP and MARTY have been bred! If pregnant, puppies due July 22,2018
BETH AND JOHNNY earn their UD! Wonderful!!!
BEVERLY AND DITTO get their UD!!! Wow! He also now has his BCSA Versatility and Versatility Excellent Awards!
2017 Skyhoundz World Finals Xtreme Distance, Nicole takes second place with Clementine in Unlimited and second place in Light with Storm!
Brighton gets her AKC show CHAMPIONSHIP!
IDGIE earns her MACH3! Congrats Mary!
Clementine has NINE babies!
SHARPIE and BRIGHTON have a great weekend in conformation! Brighton won her second major (2 weekends, 10 points!) and Sharpie his 3rd major - 5 points and going BOB over several specials!)
3/17 weekend: Kayleigh earns her NF title! Littermate Brighton wins a 5-point major! Idgie wins USDAA South Central Performance Biathlon!
FEBRUARY 2017 - NEW UPDATES to many pages and recent litters. More to come, just getting started! Click HERE for Past Litters
Lorelei makes the 2016 Breed Power Top 10 PowerScore list for fastest Border Collie in her height division!
DEMI and IDGIE BOTH had earned their MACH2! HUGE CONGRATS to both Donna Westmoreland and Mary Moore!
SPRING's page is updated
Lloyd and TANGO earned their MACH! So very proud of them!
I have been having serious technical difficulties with this web software, sorry for delays in updates, as Alisa has been working hard to make a new website. I will update this soon until we can get the new site going.
PUPPIES - Georgia is due with puppies by Thunder around October 15, 2015. Clementine will be bred very soon.
April 2015
Good luck Tinna and Levy at ITT Tryouts! Last weekend Levy won Steeplechase - Team Tournament and Standard!
Greta x Thunder puppies are born 4/30/15 - Pics!
New 2-week old Tilly x Marty puppy pics!
Gracie and Tracey earn their NAJ! Ela earned her Masters Bronze FAST title! New pictures on her page. Miss Maggie and Frank make their AKC agility debut and do GREAT! Several BLUE ribbons! New pics of Snitch herding!
CONGRATS LARA AND Ten! They are currently ranked #1 Border Collie in the country in Obedience for 2015!
Beth and Johnny earn their Rally Excellent title!
March 2015
Congrats Alisa and Quincy for winning Time Trial and qualifying for the World Championships!
Little special Hope and Mark win Men's Light Plastic to qualify for the 2015 Skyhoundz World Championships Xtreme Distance, with a 172' catch!!! She also qualified with Stacey in Unlimited Plastic! She is the first 3-legged dog to qualify for the world championship! I'm so proud of them!
Georgia and Clementine earned more qualifications for 2015 Skyhoundz World Championships in Extreme Distance! Clementine's final hips are OFA Good!
February 2015
Ten earns ANOTHER perfect 200 in obedience! Congrats Lara!
Lorelei earns her AXJ with a first place! She also won first place in her first Master Std run!
Scorch is the youngest dog to compete in agility at Westminster!
New updates/pics on Tilly and Marty's pages. Marty's health clearences have been updated.
Ferrari is now Holther's Zerotosixyinthree CD BN RA NF! Huge congrats, Linda and Ferrari! After a 4-month break from any agility at all, Georgia wins first place in her first agility run in Perry, GA!
January 2015
It's been confirmed by AKC! Ten is the very first OTCH/Grand Champion in AKC Border Collie breed history! Congrats Lara!
Jameson and Raylan win points at their second dog show weekend!
Jameson wins RWD and Puppy Group 2 at his very first show!
Snitch earns her PT! Congrats Mary! Marty earns his CGC!
Ditto quickly earned his NA, NAJ. OA, OAJ! Levy earns her JM (Jumpers Master) Kody earns his AXJ! Lorelei earns her AX!
December 14:
Lara and Ten go HIGH COMBINED in Utility B on the first day at the Orlando Cluster at Eukanuba! They then go on to WIN first place in the Open class at the Eukanuba Obedience Championship!
Scorch earns his MXJ!
November 14:
Savannah dog show:
Bodhi earns his CDX with first placements! Johnny earns his RN title with first place!
Viva earns her Rally Excellent title! And Marty and I won some breed points!
OTCH Ten!!! Huge congrats to Lara and Ten! We believe this makes him the first Grand Champion OTCH Border Collie!
Scorch is now Holther’s Well Done MX AXJ NF CGC! Congrats Stephen and Jamie! He only needs one more leg for MXJ
Quincy earns her OAJ and brother Johnny earns his NA!
Thunder and Te'o do Notre Dame halftime show with Mark!
Bodhi wins first place in ASCA obedience!
Levy earns her MAD title and made the finals of the UKI agility Open!
Georgia and Clementine earned qualifications for 2015 Skyhoundz World Championships in Extreme Distance!
October Updates:
Ten earns an invite to the NOC by finishing in the top five at a regional event. This same weekend he goes high combined for his first UDX leg!
Vamp goes HIT with a 199 in AKC obedience!
Georgia picks up a nice QQ in Jacksonville and Johnny earns his NF title and a Novice std leg!
Sweep earns her Open Std title and Demi gets QQ#14 towards her MACH2!
Switch earns a couple of Q’s in AKC agility, all with placements!
Idgie is now qualified for the AKC 2015 agility National!
Bodhi earns his CD title in AKC obedience!
Lorelei earns her OAJ and her firt Excellent Std Q!
Quincy completes her OA title in agility and gets her second open JWW leg!
Clementine and Georgia had several top 3 finishes in Skyhoundz Xtreme distance qualifier!
Ditto makes his agility debut! 2 JWW q’s and 1 std q, all first placements!
Congrats to all!
May-Sept 14
Thank you, Alisa for helping me get HBC updates!
Ten finishes his UD then earns his first 17 OTCH points the next day by winning Utility B with a 199.5!
Te'o takes Second Place at the Skyhoundz Disc-Dog-A-Thon World Finals in Freestyle! Congrats, Mark!
Remedy finishes in 4th place at the Skyhoundz Disc-Dog-A-Thon Spot Landing
Scorch has earned several Qs towards his Masters titles in AKC agility, and has picked up many USDDA Qs as well
Lorelei completes her OA and NAJ with several placements
Brandy and Demi have picked up more QQ's towards their MACH2!
Beth and Miranda earn there OA! Congrats!
Lots of new pictures on individual pages as well (and still working on it)
Ditto is a new champion! Congrats Beverly! He finished with several majors and the last one being a 5-pointer!
Sorry for the LONG delay on the website update! Please be patient, as this process will take a few days and don't take offense if your titles/brags aren't listed yet before someone else's :)
Where to begin?! First of all, new puppy pages for the Guinness x Flo (G-Force) litter HERE
HUGE NEWS!!!! Tinna and Levy are going to the EO! They are 2014 AKC European Open World Team Members! What an honor! I so INCREDIBLY PROUD of these two!!!
She was named to the AKC European Open Team at two and a half years old while attending her first big event competing against the top 100+ dogs in the country.
Scorch and Stephen have been cleaning up and quickly earned his way up to AX, AXJ with many blue ribbons!
Quincy now has her NF title!
Ten earned his CDX with HIT's! HUGE CONGRATS Lara!
Kody and Lloyd have now earned their OA, OAJ!!!
Ditto has only show a few times in the show ring and already has a major under his belt!
Lorelei Baby girl is burning up the agility course and earned her NA already!
Sweep now has her NA OAJ
Hope is turning into an AMAZING frisbee dog! New pictures of her on her page
Bodhi Just recently competed in ASCA obedience and got great scores and first place!
Ela now has her OAJ!
April 14
Updated: CLICK HERE for available dogs
Sorry for the LONG delays getting this site updated. Soon there will be new individual pages for the latest litter of puppies.
Alisa and Quincy get their Nov JWW title with a first place! Congrats!
March 14
So very proud of Becky and Vamp. Multiple HIT's, High Combined at the KY Border Collie Specialty show, and many OTCH points at the big Louisville, KY Cluster of dog shows.
February 14
Levy gets her AX and is now qualified for Tinna to take her to World Team Tryouts this year!
New pics of puppies! - 5 weeks old today 2/27/14
Had a great LONG week of agility! Georgia and I went down to Vero Beach, FL for a 3-day camp with Jenn Crank, Jen Pinder and Ann Braue. It was tough but I LOVED working with each one of them. Then to Tallahassee where we only ran two days - one in puddles of rain and the other was a gorgeous day and Georgia got a QQ and double blue! :) Exhausted, but happy to be back home.
Up in north Georgia at a disc event, Hope caught her first disc in competition! And Thunder qualified for the Worlds in Pairs D/A!
New pics of puppies!
Fun agility weekend in Pendleton, SC! Georgia and I came out of our "dry" spell and got another QQ and a couple of other Q's with 2 second and 2 third placements in a fast competitive class. Lynn and Cirque had some fast and nice runs too. Lloyd and Kody got their Open JWW title! Got to see Ben and the absolutely adorable little Lorelei as well as Mary and Snitch! Love seeing the babies! But VERY happy to get back home to my new babies here :) New puppy pics to come soon.
Thunder does Vegas! Click here for his VEGAS adventure! Here's a video too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAIGGQ8qMMo
Congrats Becky and Vamp, winning their Utility class in Atlanta and lots of OTCH points! Also big congrats to Tinna and Levy, first place and an AXJ title! Alisa and Quincy had some smoking fast runs as well! Beth and Johnny made their agility debut in FL and had some great runs and a Nov FAST leg! Lloyd and Kody also had some nice runs/placements and got his NF title!
January 14
HUGE CONGRATS Becky and Vamp! They earned their UD in obedience! And also a nice second place in the Open B Class and first OTCH points at the NOI qualifier in Franklin, TN this past weekend! Also, Linda and Ferrari had two first placements/legs in BN and in Charleston, SC as well as a RA leg!
We have new puppies!
Alisa and Quincy get their NA title with all first placements! Littermate Kody with Lloyd got their NAJ! Another blue ribbon for Levy and Tinna in Excellent 26" jww! Congrats! New picture of baby Hope!
CONGRATS to Karen and Bodhi! They earned his ASCA CD title with some really nice scores!
Happy New Year! Good riddance 2013!!! Mom, Dad and Heather all had surgeries this past year - it's been tough! Hopefully everyone around me will stay healthy and feel better in 2014!
December 13
Wow, what a great weekend!!! Lara and Ten came in second place after 3 rounds at the 2013 Eukanuba Obedience Classic (first closely taken by legend Connie Cleveland)! Becky and Vamp had a GREAT week too at the pre-Eukanuba shows, earning their first UD leg and many NICE scores. Also they won both the first and the second round in the Open class at the Eukanuba Classic! I'm so proud of these obedience HBC competitors and their handlers! Also, Deanna and Theory do their first photo shoot for Blundstone Boots - can't wait to see the final product! In agility up north, Quincy gets a nice FAST Nov JWW q! Further south, Remedy picks up another QQ towards her MACH2!
Blue ribbons for Tinna and Levy in 26" Excellent class! Idgie gets her T2B title!
November 13
Mattie wins a Beginner Puppy Group 1 at SKC!
A few new quick pics of Mattie :) A few new links worth watching/reading on blog page
Congrats Joan and Sharpie! First show weekend and Sharpie takes a reserve to a major!
Concord, NC agility: Georgia wins her Master agility title and had some nice runs in the ribbons. Alice and Melissa win her NAP and NJP with first placements! And Alice's daughter Biddy also won a blue ribbon in her Novice Standard class! Kody and Lloyd win Kody's NA title and 2 legs towards NAJ with some nice runs and many ribbons as well (and some new photos on his page). Mattie and Clementine test BAER normal.
Guinness OFA Excellent hips! Lara and Ten earn their ASCA herding STDs title! Also, Idgie MXJ!
Big congrats to Bev and Ditto on earning their AKC Tracking Dog title at 9 months of age! Also, his sister Clementine and I qualified this weekend for the 2014 Skyhoundz World Disc Dog Finals in the Time Trial event with one of the top record times of 14.69 seconds! I'm so proud of this speedy little orange pup! :) Mark and Te'o also qualified in DDAT Freestyle for the 2014 Worlds and Irish won the Mad Dogs Disc Club's Distance and Accuracy event! In the northeast, Brandy and Alisa earn another QQ in agility! Down south, Linda and Ferrari win some blue ribbons in AKC agility!
October 13
Agility weekend!
In Atlanta: We have another new MACH! Big congrats to Katy and Remedy on their MACH title! And that is after just turning 3 years old and just coming off of several months of puppy-duty! Awesome!
In the northeast: Alisa and Brandy get a really nice QQ towards her MACH2 after being away from agility for a long time! And baby Quincy missed q's barely by just one bar but did q in the ribbons in the FAST class and T2B!
In California: The Bailey crew had a great weekend of agility as well with Guinness and Jace and the The Divine Miss M! G-man won his Excellent JWW class!
In Florida: Georgia and I went south and had a nice weekend with multiple blue ribbons! She got 77 points in just 2 std and 1 jww q's and had the fastest time of all heights 16-26" (I didn't think to check 12" and below). Very proud of her for having ZERO practice except for the trials we attend here and there which serve as her "practice" and training. Only needs one more leg for her MX. New Georgia agility pictures on her page.
New picture of Brandy and Quincy:
And Johnny gets a group 2 in his conformation match - good job you two!
Jody and Spring went to CanAm for the NAFA Flyball nationals and won two firsts and a second place! Jody also writes that she won third internationally in her freestyle dance routine! Congrats you two!!!
Tinna and Levy, OA title! And how could I forget, but Cirque got his MX! Congrats, Lynn!!! Also.... Vetgen tells me that Georgia does carry gold :)
Another BUSY weekend! On Friday, Georgia won first in her Master's std class at the agility trial in Gainesville, GA! Barely missed the QQ with one off course :( On Saturday we went to a Skyhoundz Discdogathon (DDAT) qualifier in Dahlonega, GA where there were over 60 competitive teams in most events. Mark and Thunder won the Freestyle event for a Q to the 2014 World Finals. Baby Clementine and I were so close to winning but came in second (only first placers in the DDAT events get the Q for the 2014 World Finals) and barely missed getting the Q in the Spot Landing event. Mark and Clementine came in third in the Time Trial event and Dean and Remedy came in second in Time Trial! Remedy and Dean also came in third in Spot Landing! In the Pairs Distance and Accuracy event, Mark and I threw to the dogs and Georgia came in first for her second event Q for 2014 Worlds, and Thunder came in second (sorry for that bad throw from me, Tunny!) Fun weekend with the pups!
Congrats Becky and Vamp!!! Another HIT and two firsts in Open B obedience! Also, watch Scorch and Stephen demonstrating for AKC's Woofipedia!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_3ceZ9mSrk&list=UU-XByv4YD6jzp-c1bNCPJjw
Lara and Ten finished his RAE title with FOUR high-combined awards!!!
New addition, Mattie! :)
Wow, what an incredible first weekend of the new disc-dog season, right after last week's 2013 World Finals!
On Friday, Thunder and I won the Women's Unlimited Xtreme distance to qualify for the 2014 World Finals!
On Saturday was the first annual Georgia State Disc Dog Championships (Skyhoundz). Mark and Thunder won the GA State Championship in Freestyle plus D/A and then Runner up State Champ in the separate Distance/Accuracy-only event. And Remedy and Dean won the GA State Championship in the D/A event! And Georgia and I won the GA State Championship NEW event, the long distance skip throw! So Savannah's kids from 3 different litters are GEORGIA STATE DISC DOG CHAMPIONS and swept the expert events :) So proud of them! Also Clementine got third place in Novice D/A but her BIG win was on Sunday in Pairs D/A with Mark and myself coming in second place! Not bad for just turning 8 months and very very little practice! Also in Sunday's Discdogathon, Georgia and Mark won the Time Trial event to get the Q for the 2014 World Finals! Also, Remedy and Dean came in 2nd in Time Trial (again, so happy for Savannah's speedy-fast kids this weekend!) Remedy also won the Bullseye event for a Q also to the 2014 World Finals and third in Spot-Landing. There were many more placements and awards but these were the big highlights for me as their breeder - so proud :) To think back when Mark got Irish, how he was harassed that "Barbie Collies" wouldn't be good at disc events. Hmmm :) Speaking of that, up in the Northeast also this weekend, Alisa and Brandy won the Freestyle event after a tie and tie-breaker! She also won the Bullseye event for qualification also to the 2014 World Finals! WAY TO GO!!!
September 13
Greta x Zony pups just turned 7 weeks, new pics here!
Thunder is now a World Champion in disc dogging!!! What an incredible past week of canine frisbee at the Skyhoundz World Finals in Chattanooga, TN! Georgia, Clementine, Te'o, Irish and Remedy also had great performances!
Thunder also almost won a SECOND World Championship in another event but just barely lost by one throw in a tie-breaker. Also, Georgia just BARELY missed the title of World Champion by literally ONE foot. The throw/catch that beat her for first place in the Men's Classic Xtreme Distance was one foot further! Georgia had a great and busy week with 3 different people throwing to her and lots of nice placements. And Clementine's (7 month old pup) best performance of the weekend was in Friday's Expert D/A Last Chance Qualifier - she placed 15th out of 107 teams! For the DDAT last chance qualifier on Tuesday, Holther BCs racked up 8 more world champ qualifications! Baby Te'o pulled out some great q's in many events and a great Freestyle round for DDAT qualifier and also on Friday's D/A qualifier. Irish had a great round of freestyle and came in 4th on Tuesday as well! Remedy and Dean came in 4th in a tight competitive Time Trial event, less than a second separating the top 5 - not too shabby for only being back home for a couple of days and after having been on mama-duty for the last few months! Brandy and Quincy did very well considering Brandy's recent back injury and Quincy just being a baby - WOW what potential she has!!! And what a fun routine! Very excited about her future with Alisa! It was great to meet so many new people and put more faces with names with folks from other countries. Some surprise visitors too, what a fun weekend! And it was GREAT for the puppies to get all that socialization and also it was nice for Heather to be able to be there to watch too! Also some ups and downs only make us all stronger and closer. Love my HBC peeps :) Also want to thank Tim Geib and Preston Dean for throwing to our HBCs too!
Remedy and Thunder's puppies, Maggie and Hope, have gone to their new homes - Congrats Frank H and the Muir family!
7 week old Remedy x Thunder pup pics and new 5 weeks old Greta pup pics! Also, new picture of Theory and Georgia gets OFA hips prelim Good at 22 months old!
Alisa and Quincy get her first Q's in agility, a blue ribbon, too! Also Tinna and Levy get their second OA leg with a blue ribbon too! New pictures of Ten, Ditto, Snitch, Lorelei and Magic too!
6 week old Remedy x Thunder pup pics! Also, 4 weeks old Greta pup pics!
Wow, what a week, where to begin?! I went to the BCSA National Specialty at Purina Farms in MO. A few other HBCs went as well and all did very well! The big award was Ten and Lara going HIGH IN TRIAL! So very happy for them and their accomplishments. Ten also won second place in conformation in the working dog class (BCs with performance or working titles). There were other ribbons but I cannot keep track!
Baby Ditto and Bev came and did his herding instinct and passed with flying colors! It was great to get to see them. Snitch earned her HT title with Mary! They are both showing great promise on sheep!
I only competed with one dog in conformation and it was in the puppy sweepstakes event. Miss Tilly Tilda took second place in her class which was a very competitive bigger class. I was disappointed that several of my pups were not able to make it to the nationals after-all this year. Maybe next year.....
I also competed with Georgia and Remedy in agility. Remedy ALMOST got her MACH, but one tiny error on my part prevented it. She did win first place in her standard run that day! On the last day of agility, Georgia gave me her first QQ with second and third placements and I couldn't be happier :) Lots more to update/comment on a bit later regarding the nationals on the BLOG page.... But for now, I must play with puppies, I missed them terribly!!!
Also! This past weekend Mark performed with his dogs for the pre-game and halftime of the Citadel's football game! Wish I had been able to go, what a great show! And Tinna and Levy got their OAJ title with a first place and also another first place in open standard! Congrats!!!
August 13
Congrats Lara and Ten on their PT herding title! And congrats Paula and Ela on the JWW title!! New 21 day-old Greta pup pics, and new Remedy pups at 4 1/2 weeks old
4 week old Remedy x Thunder pup pics!
14 days-old Greta pup pics! Magic with Carla and Jerry had a great disc dog weekend with two third placements! Congrats! And Tinna and Levy won Open JWW!
3 week old Remedy x Thunder pup pics!
NEW pictures of several dogs: Sharpie, Alice, Biddy, Scorch, Ela, Levy, Quincy, Remedy, Bodhi, Penny, Lorelei, Annie, Theory , Ferrari
New 1 week old Greta pup pics!
New champion Tilly, finished with a 4-point and a 5-point major :) 4 shows, 4 majors, done! She just turned a year old, still very much a puppy, she is so much fun to show! So maybe we will keep showing for a bit here and there :)
Thunder takes on Spain - great trip with Mark! Alisa, Brandy and Quincy do the Dr. Oz show! Will post the air-date as soon as we know!
2 week old Remedy x Thunder pup pics!
Melissa had a nice agility debut with Alice ! She and Biddy earned lots of Q's and nice placement ribbons! Tinna and Levy earn their NA with first place and a first in open jww - new pictures on her page!
I was disappointed to miss Mark's disc event this weekend but congrats Muir dogs! Thunder won extreme distance in the classic plastic division, Mark's Gipper in second and Te'o came in third. Mark also won the light plastic division.
Greta has her puppies 8/11/13 Very excited, but I missed two of my favorite events this weekend - Concord, NC agility and a Disdogathon at Mark's place...(thanks, Greta!)
Also, I updated quite a few pup's pages. Still, more to go...
A first place Q for Sybil and Switch!
Joe had some nice runs and lots of placement ribbons in agility with Guinness, Jace and Miranda - and Guinness now has his open standard title - Congrats!!! And Alisa and Brandy had a great disc weekend as well, winning freestyle at the Yankee Flyers Discdogathon and having some nice placements in the other games!
July 13
Remedy has her puppies 7/30/13
Becky and Vamp had a GREAT UKC obedience show going High Combined!
Great disc day (dawn until dark!) Had fun letting Georgia play some disc at the Skyhoundz Discdogathon! This was only her second disc event and we never play disc at home (too scared she will get hurt!) so I am really proud of her! Mark played with Georgia for me and came in third in pairs Distance and Accuracy, then he WON Time Trial and Extreme Distance with her, qualifying her for the World Championships in September! She and I came in third in two women's long distance events as well, and we had nice standings in Bullseye and Time Trial too. Mark also did very well with Thunder and Te'o, lots of plaques for him to add to his collection! Fun and LONG Saturday!
Huge congrats Paula and Ela on their open agility title with a second place! Tinna and Miss Levy win another first place in standard! Also, Idgie and Mary got 2 more QQ's with multiple blue ribbons in Masters! First time running agility for myself and Georgia in 2 months this weekend. Was only able to participate in 3 runs in Perry, then had to go home, but she did get a Q and won second place in masters jww among a large class of good competition. Love my crazy baby dog!
Congrats Tinna and Levy on a 1st place in Nov Std! Congrats also to Lara and Ten who earned his RE title! Congrats Paula and Ela on the Excellent FAST title with a first place! Also, the Greta is confirmed pregnant!
June 13
This last weekend in June was a great one! It started out by finding out that Ryder is the BC in the blockbuster Superman movie - Man of Steel. I snapped a screen shot from the film, below. Then, Tilly had a great show in Richmond, VA and won a 4 point major and a 3 point major! The judge on Saturday liked her so much, he gave her Best of Breed (from the 9-12 month old puppy class) over a BIS winning, Westminster winner, top ranked BC.
Also, up north Lara and Ten go High in Trial again! I've lost count now of how many they have - congrats! Mark and his dogs had a great weekend in disc in Roanoke, VA. And Alisa with Brandy and Quincy had some great disc shows in MD and Quincy got to try her paw at dock diving and did great! And Jace and Joe won a first place in novice agility! Also found out Sunday night that Remedy IS pregnant! So happy for all this great news! Some great new pictures/page updates - Jace the cover dog for Vectra 3D!, Theory, Irish, Hawk, Snitch, Quincy,
Click to enlarge photo below of Ryder in Man of Steel:
Congrats Melissa and Biddy! First agility Q - with a first place in Nov JWW! :) Linda and Ferrari finish his RN title, congrats! New pics of Sharpie!
Nice placement Q's in agility from both Mary with Idgie and Lynn with Cirque this past weekend as well! Tinna and Levy get her AD title in USDAA agility! Some good news finally for me, results from Optigen, Clementine is DNA Clear for CEA (not a carrier). Crazy sheep but Ten won 3rd place in his started class at the ASCA trial! And some nice agility placements for Alisa and Brandy! Some new pictures of Ditto, Johnny, Bodhi, Quincy, Lorelei, Magic and others on website.
Huge congrats to Alisa, Andy and their dogs Brandy and Quincy! Brandy qualified for the Skyhoundz world championships at the big northeast regional! And Quincy placed a very respectable 5th place!
They also had some nice placements and great throws and catches in the Extreme Distance competition the following day!
Also, Lara and Ten won 2 regular obedience HIT's and 2 rally HIT's and earned his RA title! Congrats!
May 13
Great weekend for Brandy and Quincy at their Skyhoundz Discdogathon! Quincy won 2nd and Brandy won 3rd in Freestyle! Quincy also got second in Time Trial and Brandy got 3rd in team D/A. Congrats!!
And in ASCA agility in CA, Miranda got (4) blues and one second in agility!
Great disc-dog weekend in Statesboro, GA! Mark and Stacey with all of their dogs won quite a few awards! Thunder won the Freestyle and the D & A competitions! My Will, Georgia and Clementine also got to play!
Katy and Dean's Remedy came in third in in the long distance event. New pictures of Te'o! Also of Clementine.
The Bailey's had a wonderful weekend at their first USDAA trial!
AMAZING! Lara and Ten do it again! Another perfect 200 and two more High in Trials up north! In SC, a few nice Q's and placements also this past weekend in agility for Georgia and Remedy. I was not at my best, though, running those two! Tango and Lloyd and Lynn and Cirque had some really nice runs too!
Alisa and Quincy compete in their first disc dog tournament and do very well! Congrats!!!
WOW! Lara and Ten earn Ten's CD title with two more High in Trials, a 199 and a perfect 200! What an amazing accomplishment, congrats!
Brandy and Alisa got a QQ up north after celebrating their MACH at their Cinco-De-MACH-o party! Also she got some new pics of Theory and Scorch and some of the northeast the gang.
Congrats Karen and Bodhi for getting the job and doing a great ad photo shoot for the newest HGTV Smart Home! And here's the link for his brother Jace's (owned by the Bailey's) TV commercial!: http://youtu.be/DegU_KbCHWk
New pics of Kody here! New pics of Rose!
April 13
New Champion Georgia! Georgia won all of her points from the Bred-By-Exhibitor class. And BIG congrats to Lara and Ten! Ten earned his BN title with all first placements and amazing scores of 199, 199 and a perfect 200! He also earned his first CD leg with a 198.5! Also, out in CA, the Bailey's had a great agility weekend with their 3 HBCs! New OAJ title for Guinness and legs for Miranda and Jace (his debut!) as well. All 3 had placement ribbons, some blues!
Scorch earned his CGC! And Levy her Starters Jumpers title in USDAA! QQ's #18 and #19 at AOC trial for Katy and Remedy with some blue ribbons, too! She is also now qualified for the 2014 AKC Nationals!
New pictures of Sharpie!
LONG Perry, GA weekend! I had a blast running Remedy for Katy this weekend (she got married!) and my Georgia. Lots of blue and red and yellow placement ribbons and a new AXJ title for Georgia and QQ's #16 & 17 for Remedy! Remedy now has her MXB title too! Remedy didn't run on Saturday because she went to go participate in Katy and Dean's wedding:
Georgia and went to Columbia, SC but didn't stay for Sunday. She did get a 1st place Exc JWW Q, though on a course that I felt doomed for sure! Brandy and Alisa got QQ #1 towards MACH2 up north. And Lara and Ten won and Owner-handler Group 4 in conformation! Congrats!
March 13
Georgia and I went to Concord, NC where she earned her AX and OAJ as well as a 4 point major in the conformation ring! She only needs two more points to finish her Ch. Unfortunately we only got to show in breed 2 days.
She then got 26 MACH points in her very first Master Std run! Lots of pictures were taken of her and are now on her page here.
Alice pups in their new homes!
MACH BRANDY! Huge congrats to Alisa and her B!!!
Lara and Ten go Best of Breed and Ten is now a Grand Champion!!!
Alice's pups just turned 7 weeks, new pictures!
Bodhi wins the J & J photo contest and appears in the catalog this month!
HUGE WEEKEND! (3/15-3/17) Where to begin? Lara and Ten went at the last minute to Tulsa to the AKC Obedience Nationals. They WON the Rally Novice division with not just a perfect score but also won a tie due to their fastest time. See new picture on Ten's page. Another great obedience win was Becky and Vamp, who went HIGH IN TRIAL again, in Birmingham, AL. Amazing! In the sport of disc dogs, Mark and Irish had two incredible rounds at the Dixie Disc Dog Championships and WON the Pro T&F division which had over 60 teams and tough competition! Baby Te'o made his debut and did very well! I was so happy that I temporarily left my agility trial to go watch (despite sitting in traffic for an extra 2 hrs)! At our Agility trial in Atlanta, Donna and Sweep earn their NAJ title and we threw a MACH party for Demi! Demi had some nice Q's as well. Katy had 4 beautiful runs with Remedy for QQ's # 14 and #15 - So close to that MACH! I also got to see Thunder's gorgeous gold son, Sulley and Alice's puppies got to play with a litter of Beardie pups - fun!! I also got to visit with pups Wash, Magic and Snitch!! Georgia and I got our second OAJ leg with a second place and we got our second AX leg with a first place! Agility in CA!: Beth and Miranda won a second place in Open! Last but not least ;) up north Alisa and Brandy did it again, and had another perfect weekend and now they are sitting on 19 QQ's - one more and she will have her MACH! I'm probably forgetting something...it was a busy weekend and so many people and their dogs did so well that I can't keep up!
Six week old photos of Alice's pups!
Sunday 10th - Lara and Ten go HIT and earn his U-CD! Alisa and Brandy QQ #17!
Saturday 9th - Tinna and Levy won first in jww for her NAJ title! Double Q #16 for Brandy and Alisa - getting so close to that MACH! Georgia and I Q'd with a first in Excellent Standard in Charleston. Linda and Ferrari won second in Novice Fast and now has his NF title! Up in Atlanta, Donna and Sweep (haven't gotten the details yet) and Lloyd and Tango got several nice placements with fast runs!
Five week old photos of Alice's pups!
Lara and Ten - new OAJ title! Hilton Head Island show - Flo and Cecilia, new RN title! Also, 2 more breed points for Georgia. And a second place Q for Ferrari and Linda in USDAA!
Feb 13
FOUR-week old photos of Alice's pups!
Spring NA, NAJ! Congrats!
Rachael (who was renamed Sophie TDI) has been participating in Reading to Rover program at the local library with her owner. Can't believe she will be 10 this year.
Savannah, GA agility trial: QQ #13 for Remedy with blue ribbons! Open std Q #2 and #3 for Georgia for her OA title! Some fast runs and placements and a T2B title for Tango as well!
Also, Cecilia and Flo had a great herding weekend (and she's only had her back for a week since she had puppies!), and Flo finished her HSBd title with a second place and won first in her first HIAd run!
Spring got her FDCH-S! Congrats Jody!
14 days old photos of Alice's pups!
Georgia gets her NA and a first place in her first Open Standard run!
One week old photos of Alice's pups!
Great start to February!!! I took 15-month old Georgia to FL for her agility debut and she did very well for her very first time! She went 5 for 6 with Q's, all 5 of those were first place wins! She also got her NAJ title!
Lara and Ten had a GREAT weekend as well up north where he won Best of Breed both days and majors towards his grand championship! Alisa and Brandy went back to agility for the first time in a while and got QQ #15!
Great weekend but I am SOOOO glad though to be back home to the puppies! I had a great b-day, thank you everyone for all the wishes, etc.!
Jan 13
Alice has her puppies!!! Flo's pups just turned 7 weeks today, pictures here.
Linda and Ferrari get 2 Q's with second and third place in rally! Jody reports that Spring has gotten 3 new titles in the past 7 days! She won first in beginner musical freestyle at the WCFO Nationals for her W-FD title. Then, she completed her NJP title in agility with a first place, and then got her FDCH title with another first place for her flyball team this past weekend - what a girl, congrats you two!!!
QQ's #11 and #12 for Katy and Remedy this weekend, a nice 3rd place jww for Tango and Tinna and Miss LEVY makes her USDAA debut and does GREAT! Brother Switch did great at the same trial too!
Ferrari has a great agility weekend with lots of blue ribbons!
Flo's puppies just turned 5 weeks, new pictures!
HAPPY 13th Birthday, Sporty Sport! :)
New photos of Rupert here. We think we are going to let Rupert go to a friend in Chicago where he will get to be shown with handler Kim Halcom in the future and will be able to compete in agility with his new owner.
We are going to terribly miss him, but we feel this is the best opportunity for him and hopefully in the future he will be suitable for us to use at stud here at Holther.
Dec 12
Remedy's AJC television commercial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmTsXlarRK0 New picture of Quincy here!
New puppies born 12/12/12!
Ten gets his OA with first place! Spring has a GREAT agility weekend!
Congrats Karen and Bodhi on the new FD/FDX titles in flyball!. And Finn got his GN title in obedience! Also, Alice was bred to Epic this weekend! Fingers crossed she gets pregnant, since she hasn't gotten pregnant since her c-section.
12/1/12 - What a weekend so far! I was really sick and couldn't show on Sat, but I heard that up in TN, Donna and Demi got their MACH! HUGE CONGRATS YOU TWO!!! Also, Becky and Vamp finished their UKC Rally career in style with a Championship title by going HIGH IN TRIAL!!! Also, little 7 month old Snitch goes herding for the first time this weekend... check out her video here - Wow! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0qXTbjK_Ec
Nov 12
Great start to the weekend! 11/30/12 - Georgia wins a 4 point major from the bred-by-exhibitor class in Savannah! Lara and Ten win first and get their RN title! Katy and Remedy get QQ #10!
WOO HOO!! Becky and Vamp go HIGH IN TRIAL from the Open B class in obedience! CONGRATS!
PICTURES from the reunion!
New Champion, Bodhi! Bodhi won 3 majors (one 3-point and two 4-point) this past weekend in Concord, NC. Total of 4 majors in his few limited shows! Georgia showed 2 days and on the first day she won her very first 3 point major, her second time ever in the show ring.
Puppy Tilly won a Group 3 in the puppy match Sat. night. Also Alisa and Brandy got QQ's # 13 and #14 this past weekend with MXB MJB titles as well!
Wow, what can I say, what a great reunion weekend! Thank you everyone who came and those who made it happen! Pictures and videos are soon to follow. For those who couldn't make it this year, we truly missed you! Also, we had great fun at the agility trial in Marietta! Some "brags" to report: Lara and Ten had some GREAT runs. A first place in Novice fast, too! Donna and Demi got their 20th QQ! She just now needs 23 more points for her MACH! Katy and Remedy got QQ #9, both with first placements (and it was Remedy's first time back out competing with Katy in a long time!) as well as her NF title! Lloyd and Tango had some great runs as well! They won first in T2B and standard on Sunday as well as second place ribbon in JWW on Friday! Also, Linda and Ferrari had a great weekend in CPE agility with lots of ribbons and new titles. Oh and.... a new little surprise for us HERE :) Also! two BLUE ribbons for Sandy and Finn in Graduate Novice!
Idgie and Mary get her AX and NF titles! Spring and Jody had a great flyball weekend in TN and earned FDX! Biddy and Melissa earn her PT! Ferrari with Linda debuts and gets his first second place in Novice Fast! Also Heather runs Savannah and gets two blues!
Oct 12
Ela gets her Open Fast title with a first place! Spring makes her agility Novice debut with all first placements!
Greta-pup pics here, 8 weeks today 10/18/12
Becky and Vamp get their CDX - and all 3 legs were first placements!!! Ten and Lara go HIGH IN TRIAL at their debut, first UKC Obedience trial with scores of 198 and 199! Paula and Ela get a QQQ in agility this past weekend!
New puppy pictures - Greta-pup pics here, Idgie-pup pics here Also, Savannah and Flo have both been bred! More info to come.
Flo wins first place on the A course in duck herding two times and gets her title! Also, another B-course duck leg as well with a first place! And little pup Quincy competed in her first disc competition:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdta_aeAVnE Thank you to those who text, call or email updates. I don't have time on Monday's to check all FB pages and such, so if you want me to know a result or have a brag, etc, then you need to email or text it to me. Thanks!
Brandy qualifies for 2012 AKC Agility Nationals! New Greta-pup pics here and new Idgie-pup pics here.
Sept 12
Irish - on the Borderlines cover
I had a really nice time with the Muir family and Alisa in Chattanooga this past weekend at the 2012 Skyhoundz World Championships! Alisa and Brandy had incredible disc routines and finished 16th overall in a highly competitive field. I was so proud of them! Enjoyed seeing Quincy too, what a pup she is going to be! Mark with Irish and Thunder had a GREAT weekend...just a few highlights: After two rounds of the finals for Distance and Accuracy, Mark was in first place with Thunder. Unfortunately, the wind was not very friendly in the third round and Thunder tied with two other dogs for third place. But it was still incredible considering Mark's knee surgery not even 2 weeks ago and Thunder is only 2 years old and hasn't been able to practice much at all with Mark. Irish and Mark won the Men's Light Plastic Extreme Distance Qualifier on Wednesday, and Stacey and Mark won the Pairs D &A qualifier with Thunder!. Also, Mark's friends who are visiting from Argentina played with Thunder and Irish and did incredibly well. Esteban WON the Novice division with Thunder!
Paula and Ela received their NF title with two first placements!
New Greta-pup pics here and new Idgie-pup pics here. Also, the new puppy got to go on her first trip to the beach - Click HERE!
Remedy - OFA Good and Elbows normal :)
New addition (no name yet) here at Holther :) A very special girl had her last litter and I just had to have one. Hopefully, this pup will love her life in the USA and will possibly make a great addition to our lines here in the future! Also click the reunion link above, some reunion updates. PLEASE MAIL IN YOUR SHEET TO STACEY SOON. We need t-shirt sizes, so we can order the shirts.
Greta and Tirade's pup, "Spring" just got her FS, her first title, in flyball!
NEW puppy pictures! Idgie's HERE,and Greta's HERE.
September 1, 2012 (in the wee-hours), Idgie's babies are born early. CLICK HERE for that litter page (updates soon). Unfortunately, the two female puppies were still-born. We are very sad by this, but thankfully the three beautiful boys are doing great. For those who were counting on a female puppy, we are so very disappointed for you as well. Savannah and Remedy will hopefully be bred later this month. Remedy just arrived and just had her final health clearances done (hips and elbows look good, and have been sent off), CERF normal. Please email me for sire info for these two litters. Priority will be given to those who have already been waiting.
Aug 12
Found out a couple of our dogs will be in this! http://www.nbc.com/animal-practice/photos//behind-the-scenes-pilot/11418#item=253675
Ten gets his NA title, all with first placements! Congrats Lara and Ten!!!
Great weekend of disc dogging at the Skyhoundz event put on at the Muir's! Dean (Katy's fiance) with Remedy won second place in Bullseye! She also did really well for her first time competing in freestyle. Mark and Stacey with Irish had a nice second place finish in Pairs Distance and Accuracy. I also got to judge freestyle for the first time as one of the 4 judges, which was fun. Later in the day, Will and I had fun playing a couple of games (it's been a while) and Georgia would have too, but she had to rest since she had a little too much fun the day prior playing in and around Mark's pool! Got some reunion planning accomplished with Stacey so it was a great weekend. Although at home while I was gone, the lightening from a storm got the DSL line, the wifi modem, the well, the refrigerator, some breakers and surge protectors on the pool pump, the DISH satellite and all the individual Dish boxes and all the lines running to them. BOO! I think it is time to see about lightening rods or some kind of lightening protection. 4 major incidents in the last year :( Also while I was up there, I picked up a visitor from the ATL airport.... probably Savannah's next mate to be... ;) He's a handsome dark gold boy.
Wow, what a fun and successful weekend in Concord, NC! So proud of all the dogs and their owners. Alisa with Brandy and Lynn with Cirque ended up having multiple placements in a very competitive 16" class. Brandy also earned some more QQ's! Paula and Ela got their NA title and multiple 2nd placements. I had a great time visiting also with pups Quincy and Snitch, as well as a visit from Melissa & Bob with Alice and Biddy!
Ten wins 1st in both of his classes at his very first agility trial! Miranda gets her NA title and Halle gets her NAJ title. Congrats, Savannah is proud of her kids. Also, Brandy gets QQ #8 - congrats!
July 12
Alisa and Brandy qualify for another 2012 world event, the AWI, coming in second place overall in the NY qualifier.
New video of Quincy! Congrats, Miranda on the NAJ title and Halle on her second leg!
I'm a little behind on NEWS so if I forgot something please email me. Went to Perry to visit some friends and was able to see a Greta x Tirade pup, Spring, for the first time since she left at 8 weeks (she is a year now). Happy Birthday to that litter!
Melissa and Biddy got a third place Rally leg at her very first trial. Also Alice received two beginner novice legs. Congrats!
Page updates/new pics for: Ela, Remedy, Quincy, Rose, Johnny, Ferrari, Georgia,
Thank you AKC for the new titles added!..? Apparently Savannah has an MXB (bronze level 25+ perfect Q's in Excellent B Std) and an MJS (silver level, 50+ Q's in Exc B JWW with score of 100) and she hasn't even run in agility since February!
June 12
Big congrats Laurie and Halle on a NAJ leg with a first place and a NA leg with a second! Also to Joe and Guinness on his new novice title as well as Miranda's first place NAJ leg too!
HUGE CONGRATS TO ALISA AND BRANDY! 2012 overall Northeast Regional Skyhoundz Champ!
The good news! Greta and Idgie are in season! More updates to follow soon!
The bad news: This means that I will have to cancel my judging assignment for the BC Club of N. California Sweeps in Grass Valley :(
QQ #7 for Brandy! More ribbons and Q's for Idgie, too, 1st place in Exc A std and some Fast and T2B q's!
The puppies all went to their new homes this past weekend (except for Kody - his new owner is having surgery this week, so he gets to stay a week longer). Always bittersweet!
All have names now!
8 weeks today (June 6) pup photos! QQ #6 for Brandy!
May 12
Memorial Day weekend: Idgie (new picture on her page!) gets her OAJ and her first Q in Excellent Std, both with first placements! Third and Fourth places were taken in Asheville in JWW by Remedy and Tango on Friday. New pictures of Halle! AND! New 6th week puppy pictures here!
New pup picture here! Donna and Demi had a great weekend in Marietta, GA with several Q's and lots of point!
CONGRATS to Joe and Beth Bailey who had a great weekend in agility with Guinness and Miranda in agility with several placements! Remedy had several Q's with placements this past weekend as well.
**CHECK THE REUNION PAGE! Don't forget to make plans!**
Lloyd with Tango and Katy with Remedy had a great weekend in Pendleton, SC with lots of placements and Q's! QQ #9 for Tango and QQ #8 for Remedy. Also, Mary and Idgie had a great weekend with first placements in T2B and open jww!
HUGE CONGRATS to Mark with Thunder and Irish for the qualifications they both won to the Skyhoundz 2012 World Finals!!! Alisa and Brandy had some nice Q's and QQ #5 in agility this past weekend as well,
and Bodhi won some points in conformation! Great weekend!
April 12
Was going to go show Georgia at her first show, she just turned 6 months this weekend, but ended up not being able to make it. Instead, yard work in 90-degree weather among other things this weekend, but got to hear lots of fun news from the other HBCs out there!
Out west, the Bailey's Miranda got her very first Q in agility this weekend. New picture on her page! Up north, Alisa and Brandy had an incredible weekend in disc with lots of wins, placements and worlds qualification in some disdogathon events!
Down south in FL, Cirque had a great weekend too with placements in agility! Also, Mark and Thunder's 2-week journey to Hungary and Italy comes to an end. Lots of new pictures to be added to Thunder's Euro-tour page soon!
Also!! some great new photos of Ela and Jace and Levy and Ferrari! Also, some other page updates/picture additions to: Miranda, Brandy, Remedy, Bodhi, Annie, Halle, Sweep, Ten, Thunder, Switch
A little delayed, but photos from Savannah's MACH party! Also, lots to still add, but I keep meaning to start a page for pictures of weird things here at the farm....
New 10 day old puppy pictures! And Thunder tours Europe!! New video of Idgie's NAJ title run: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fk-jiU6pV64
Idgie gets her OA title with a first place and another open jww leg with a second place!
New puppy pictures!
PERRY AGILITY WEEKEND! Great start to the weekend for HBC's! (wish I could be there, but new puppies have me stuck ;) ) Thursday results: Remedy - QQ and 1st in JWW and Tango 4th in JWW. Cecilia took Mercer to his first agility trial in well over a year and finished his OA title! Idgie gets an Open Std leg with first place! Congrats! Friday results: Remedy QQ#6, MX title and now qualified for the 2013 AKC Nationals (and she's not even 2 yrs old)! Tango QQ #7, Idgie a smokin' fast Nov JWW first place !!! Saturday Results: Idgie 1st place (19-second run!) and NAJ title and a first place Open Std leg! Tango QQ #8!!! Remedy had a smokin' jww run but knocked a bar, but got third in std! Sunday results: Remedy QQ #7!!! and MXJ title!! Tango nice Q in jww!
Idgie gets her NA title with a first place in her third std run ever on Easter weekend....congrats, Mary!!
Congrats to the Bailey family, Guinness earns his NAJ title! And Vamp has a great weekend at the clicker expo, doing demos!
March 12
New pictures of Ferrari, Annie, Biddy
Becky and Vamp got their Flyball Master title (FM, which is 5,000 points) at their previous tournament! She got a lot of points this past weekend as well towards her FMX title! BIG CONGRATS Becky and Vamp!
Also: 1st place for Idgie and Mary in Novice Standard agility! (they only showed one day)
What a great St Patty's weekend!
Down in FL, Mary showed Idgie one day for her agility debut and won a first in jww and second in std!! So very happy for these two! Up near Atlanta, there were some great runs by Katy and Remedy (she only showed 2 days, but did well, to include 1st place in a very competitive class) Donna and Demi, Lloyd and Tango, and myself with Greta. Greta earned her OA and OAJ titles with a 2nd and a 4th. Mark and Stacey Muir with Thunder and Irish came to visit and to throw a surprise MACH party for Savannah. It was great, thank you SO much to everyone for making it all so special. I love my HBC family (although I wish ALL of them could've made it!) and my agility friends, they are the bestest!
Great weekend for Katy and Remedy! MX legs #6 (3rd place), #7 (1st place), and #8 (2nd place). MXJ leg #5 (1st place), and QQ #4.
Congrats Alisa and Brandy on the new MXJ title! And congrats to Katy and Remedy for a nice 1st place and MX legs #4 and #5.
February 12
Ran down at the last minute to Tallahassee FL to try to get Savannah's MACH title and well....she did it (with a second place finish, too!) I am so blessed to have this dog, I love her so much. She has only been competing at agility trials for exactly 2.5 yrs and during that time she had to take time off for 3 litters, plus her cycles. So proud of her and so grateful that she made it so easy for me.
No joy in "Mudville" at the Savannah Dog Training Club's agility trial. Was hoping to get Savannah's MACH there, but between the mud and rain (slipping/knocked bars) it didn't happen. 15 points to go. She did win 3rd place on a jww run and Greta won first in an open jww run.
Spent the weekend of the 10th getting Flo bred...more details to follow. We will know if she is pregnant around March 8th and if so, puppies would be due around Thursday April 12th.
Awesome way to start out February - for starters, thank you for all the birthday wishes! In Jacksonville, Savannah didn't have the best weekend but we are now down to 35 points needed for her MACH. Lloyd and Tango had some nice runs and all of his Q's were in the ribbons. In TN, Katy and Remedy had a great weekend with 2 more QQ's on tough courses - wow, babydog! And in NJ, Alisa with Brandy got another QQ and is only one leg away from her MXJ! In Atlanta, Bodhi went to his second dog show and did pretty well, considering, and he won a major one of the days! Congrats, Karen!
January 12
Thunder going to Spain this summer! Click the picture below :) Also, new pictures of his brother, Ten!
What a great weekend! Word from Katy was that Remedy completed her AX AXJ and got her first QQ.... she's not even 18 months yet! In Charleston, Cecilia Flo earned 2 legs for her RN obedience title as well as a placement among tough competition. Got to show Bodhi for Karen for the first time and he did surprisingly well considering he is not used to all the grooming, drying, girls in season, craziness, etc of a dog show. Georgia showed for fun in a puppy match and did very well too, wish we could've stayed for groups but the match was dragging out WAY too long and we were all ready to go to dinner! Also got to see Greta and Tirade's puppy, Ferrari who is now 6 months old - so handsome!
New 12-week pictures of Georgia!
More great news, Ten also has OFA Good hips and Normal Elbows!
Great weekend in Brooksville FL visiting with Lara, Dan and Ten. Not so good weekend for Savannah and I in agility!
Is this my omen for a name for Georgia??? http://savannahnow.com/news/2012-01-11/girl-scouts-add-savannah-smiles-cookie-lineup She does have that "Savannah smile" when she gets excited, and this name was already on my short list..... and since the Girl Scouts were founded in Savannah....this might just have to be the name........ Although last weekend, Don & Ginsey St. Croix gave me the suggestion of Holther's "Mouth of the South" when Georgia kept barking at their dog, Party. And I must admit I LOVE that name too! And right now I am leaning towards that name. Decisions, decisions......!?
Great news, I called OFA today (yes, impatience!) and both Thunder and Flo have OFA Good hips and normal elbows!
VAMP earns her FDCh-G title! (25,000 pts) and had a 0.001 start time (which is nearly a perfect start!) Check out her page of titles, HERE!
New (and very cool!) pictures of Brandy here and Thunder's champion picture here
Well, my computer fried around Christmas and now I have a new one with Windows 7 now which is NOT friendly with my really old web building software (Frontpage 2000). So the site is going to be a little "buggy" and different until I can completely re-do a new one, I'm afraid. Anyway! Last two weekends have been great! Irish and Mark got to perform at the NFL Atlanta Falcons halftime show! Katy and Remedy got Rem's OA OAJ with first placements as well as all blue ribbons in her Excellent A courses she Q'd in, in Harriman TN. Savannah and I had fun there as well and got some Q's and points. Only need 73 more for her MACH! :) Laurie and Halle got their CGC out in CA. Also, Paula and Ela got a first place in Nov Std and a second place in Nov Fast.
December 11
New 8-week old puppy photos! New Leverage pictures!
Savannah's puppy - Click here for her Christmas photos!
Alice gets her RA title!
New 7 week photos of Savannah's baby. Unfortunately, the quality isn't great, I'm still trying to learn this new Canon...and I am missing my Nikon more and more :( Can't seem to get the lighting, focus, etc right at all!
12/16 Finally back home last night and staying home - for almost 2 weeks - ...YAY! Hopefully I can catch up on email, pictures, videos, etc soon :) Savannah and Will were both invited to compete at the AKC/Eukanuba Nat'l Championship this weekend but I didn't enter them. I had to shave part of Will's foot a month ago and Savannah's coat is pouring out by the handfuls, as I knew it would be due to her pregnancy. Maybe next year :)
New picture of Ferrari - too cute!
Thunder finishes his show Championship in style with another 3-point major in Winston-Salem, NC. And here is the update from Ela's owner, Paula, from her first CPE trial (congrats!) : "She qualified in level 1 for Wildcard with a 1st place, FullHouse with a 2nd place, Snooker with a 1st place, Jackpot with a 1st place and level 2 Jackpot with a 2nd place. She earned a Strategy Games Title - CL1-S."
I had fun running Greta in agility this weekend down in FL, and she now has her NA! Thanks again to Tinna Brown and Katy Chadwick for getting her started in agility, what a great job you gals did :) Up in TN, Katy and Remedy had an incredible weekend with ALL first placements in all of her agility runs that she Q'd in (5 runs).
New Savannah's baby photos at 35 days old!
November 11
Congrats Katy and Remedy on her NA NAJ titles in agility (with all first placements!)! Also, 2 Novice standard legs on Greta, with second place. And Lloyd and Tango had some nice runs/placements as well!
New Savannah's baby photos at 3.5 weeks old!
Another great weekend! Went to Concord, NC for agility and conformation. 4 more points on Thunder, 3 more to go. Lloyd with Tango had some nice placements in agility. Saw Mercer's daughter Eva compete for the first time (whoa she is fast!) and she won some classes as well. Down in FL, Lynn and Cirque has some really nice runs/placements in agility as well.
Wow, home from the HBC 2nd Reunion. It was a BLAST (and went way too fast). Thank you to everyone who helped out and made it happen. Heather and I both are very appreciative of everything, especially all that the Muir's and the West's did. I'm surprised that my little porkchop puppy made it back home ;) Thank you to all of those who came and were such great sports about all the games, and thank you for loving these HBCs so much :) Hopefully I will be able to make a page with photos and videos from it in the near future.
Also, at the agility trial in Marietta, thank you to Katy and Tinna for running Greta who now has her NAJ (with a blue ribbon!) And Remy with Katy got some novice legs at her debut! (and blue ribbons). Lloyd and Tango won firsts in T2B and in JWW on Friday! Tinna and Tirade, Alisa and Brandy, Beth and Miranda, Joe and Guinness, Paula and Ela, myself and Will, all had fun and success at agility.
Down in FL, Lynn and Cirque had a great weekend as well in the ribbons!
And Sandy with Finn got his BN title up north!
Congrats to Cecilia and Flo, who earned her HSAs with a third place!
October 11
Greta's first AKC agility trial weekend! her first 2 runs, 2 Q's, one second place. Thank you Katy Chadwick for training her the past 2 weeks and handling her and also to Tinna Brown for getting her started :) See video: http://youtu.be/f-2jKH_lZFs
Donna and Demi got another QQ! Lloyd and Tango had a great weekend with some fast times and nice placements. A First in T2B and a Second in JWW. I spent most of the weekend at home with the new baby except to go judge at the Savannah Kennel Club's conformation match. Busy November now to follow! NEW PICTURE of Guinness!
10/27/11 - Savannah has her baby girl by c-section!
Congrats to IRISH and Mark for their nice third place finish in T&F at the USDDN Worlds! Congrats to Laurie and Halle for getting Halle's RN title!
New pictures of Spring! New video of Ferrari! New pictures of Lil Bit!
Big congrats to Cecilia and Flo, for picking up several qualifying legs in herding! Flo is only 21 months old and has legs now on A and B course on both sheep and ducks. Several placements, to include a second and a couple of thirds.
September 11
CONGRATS Beth and Joe with Guinness who is now a new Champion! G-man finished his title going BOB and then another BOB the following day as a special! Also, congrats to Alisa and Brandy, for finishing Brandy's MX! And Donna and Demi got yet another 2 double-q's this weekend in agility! And Will won second place in a competitive open fast class the one time he showed this past weekend. Also! A new video of Biddy with mama Alice!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r65jVq_yMbM <-- New video from Cirque's owner, Lynn!
Mark Muir and IRISH had an awesome weekend at the Skyhoundz World Championships! On Friday, Irish qualified for the World Finals in the "last chance qualifier" by coming in second place among many of the best in the world vying for the few remaining spots to compete.
Congrats Laurie and Halle! Second place in their first Rally Obedience trial and another leg and placement on Sunday. Congrats to Alisa and Brandy on another QQ in agility! Also! New pictures of Flo here. And new picture of Ela!
HAPPY THIRD BIRTHDAY to the 2nd Stella x Cap litter!
Congrats to all the new puppy owners! Updates to follow soon! I had a great (but very busy) time this past weekend in Alpharetta, GA. Savannah wasn't feeling well so we NQ'd a couple of times and that was it for us, we pulled and didn't run anymore. But plenty more to do with Tirade and Tinna visiting, a surprise visit from Stacey Muir with Thunder and Irish, as well as spending time with friends and the new puppy owners. A visit to the Canine Ranch with all the pups to visit Remedy and another surprise visit by Sallyand her family! I just LOVE my extended family :) Thank you everyone!
ALSO: Donna and Demi had a GREAT weekend going 5 for 6, 2 more QQ's, that's 10 now for her! And Lloyd with Tango had some incredible runs with placements.
Congrats Alisa and Brandy, for qualifying for Skyhoundz World Finals in bullseye competition!
NEW! 7-week old puppy pictures! New pictures of Ten!
August 11
Guinness wins BOTH of his majors in conformation out in CA as well as some other points - CONGRATS Beth and Joe, 13 total, only 2 to go!!!
Click picture to enlarge Guinness
RemyD gets FIRST place with a score of 100 in Rally obedience in Atlanta and then another score of 97 to complete her RN title! And GREAT new photos of Bodhi!
New 5 week old puppy video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqfPv518avA
New PUPPY VIDEO here! And a new video of Remedy!
Great weekend! I snuck away for a few days and Savannah got to play in agility (it's been a month since the last trial!). Lynn with Cirque was there as well and had some nice runs with with very nice placements in a very competitive class. Also, Thunder performed in his first Atlanta Falcons event, at the season opener against the Miami Dolphins. And Vamp earned her TDI so she will now be making therapy visits with owner Becky!
New 4-week puppy pictures here! They were way too sleepy when I took these!
CONGRATS Beth and Joe on their agility trial with Miranda and Guinness. G got a first in jww and Beth had SO much fun at her first trial! Also! Happy birthday to Savannah's second litter - they turned a year old (many new pictures on their individual pages)! Also, Will and Savannah received their invitations to the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship.
New 3-week puppy pictures here!
July 11
New video of Itty Bitty puppy here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v​=MmBvKKChRDg
New video of Remedy, lots of new photos of Will and new picture of Ela! and TWO WEEK old puppy pictures! Also new pictures of Biddy !
Guinness gets another point in conformation - congrats Beth and Joe!
Congrats to baby dog Remedy (and Katy and Gabby) for her first Rally Novice leg! Also, big congrats to Becky and Vamp - what a huge weekend they had with 10 out of 12 Q's, new titles and more to include her ARCHX in APDT Rally! (New photos on her page)
Well, I went to Perry and got a few agility Q's with Savannah, but on Friday I got the call that Greta's temperature dropped, meaning, labor to come soon! So we are happy to announce the birth of 4 girls and 2 boys early Saturday morning 7/16/11! Greta's litter can be seen HERE. One of the girls is super tiny, I guess she could be considered a "runt". She was 4 oz at birth and actually weights 3.8oz right now (they lose a little weight the first day usually). This is extremely small (her littermates are 13-15+oz), so we are praying that she will put on some weight and start growing...
Congrats to Becky and Vamp!! Vamp earns her flyball dog champion title (FDCh) as well as her FDCh-S!
Back from my trip to California to judge Border Collie puppies for the BCCGLA's Specialty show. I had a great time out there, it was way too short of a visit!
Congrats to Cecilia and Flo!! Flo got her first HSBs leg!
June 11
New video of Remedy here!
Orlando, FL report! On Saturday, Thunder wins a 4-point major going WD and BOW! His littermate Flo only showed one day on Sunday, from the Bred By Exhibitor class (which was her second time ever in the show ring) and went WB/BOW for a 4 point major! Sorry for the info-delay, y'all, but I virtually had NO internet all weekend due to phone issues and hotel wifi issues :( Will catch up soon :) I also just read that we have an official flyball dog among us - Big Congrats to Becky and Vamp who earned FD and FDX titles this weekend! (I think those are titles #26 and #27 for them?! Wow!)
Back from agility in Birmingham - Savannah is now qualified for the 2012 AKC Agility Nationals!!! We won't be going but this was a personal goal I had before her next cycle, so I am thrilled. She also got QQ #20, so all those required QQ's are out of the way! Now we just need approx 200 more points for her MACH! :)
Up north, Brandy and Alisa had a great trial too and got her first QQ on the way to her MACH! :)
Greta is pregnant! :)
Congrats Lara and Ten! Ten won Best of Breed at the Bay Colony's Border Collie Club's supported entry show! Mercer and Cecilia had a great agility weekend at USDAA SE Regionals in Perry! New pictures on the following pages: Bodhi, Jace, Flo, Mercer, Ten,Thunder, Greta and Savannah's agility page.
May 11
Ela earned her Rally Novice title - congrats Paula!!! Savannah and Tango had some really nice JWW runs in NC.
New pictures of Irish, Thunder, Remedy, Biddy, Halle and The Greta!!!
Savannah QQ #19 on Sunday in SC, and Will won 1st in Open Fast :) Tango had a nice third place in JWW on Sunday. Mark & Stacey with Thunder and Irish had a GREAT disc weekend in NC, too much to list, so visit their website for the details (not sure if it is updated yet) www.georgiairishdiscdogs.com
Brandy and Alisa qualify for the 2011 USDDN World Finals! Also, Katy takes Remedy to her first show (Star 94's Woofstock in Atlanta) where she shows off puppy disc, lure coursing, baby agility and more - she did GREAT!
Bodhi's first TV commercial! http://www.havertys.com/View_CurrentAd Bodhi is the 9th Holther Border Collie to be in TV or major film or other advertising.
Great way to start May! Savannah gets QQ #18. Cecilia and Flo earn their PT title! Lynn and Cirque earn their AXJ! And Becky and Vamp earn three obedience titles - CD, BN and GN - which makes that 25 total titles that Vamp has earned!
April 11
Some updates to the following pages! Thunder, Remedy, Jace, Bodhi, Ela, and Guinness
QQ #17 for Savannah! Came home early and stopped by in Augusta to see the Muirs, and got to see Thunder win his first World Championship qualifier! Congrats! NEWSFLASH! On Sunday, Mark and Thunder WIN the long distance division with a 207' throw and gets another Q to the World Finals for this event, too! And, Stacey and Irish WIN in the women's division and earn the chance to compete at World Finals as well! Qualifying spots were only awarded to first place division winners. CONGRATS!
Great (and long) 5-day weekend in Perry, GA! Wish the entire Holther family could've been there, but it was great to have so many there. Alisa and Brandy came from NJ, Lynn and Cirque came from the FL Keys, plus the usual - more local - suspects (Donna with Demi, Lloyd with Tango, Katy with Remy and Karen with Bodhi) were there too! Brandy earned her AXJ as well as her herding instinct certificate and Demi now has her MX! Cirque and Tango had some incredibly FAST runs, and I was so happy to get to visit with puppies, Remy and Bodhi (Bodhi earned his HIC, too!). Also our buddy Mark came and ran his dog Gipper and won a first in Novice! Lastly, Savannah and I were able to get QQ #16.
At a disc tournament in FL, Irish wins Novice D&A with Stacey Muir! Out in CA, Guinness and Joe get another Q in Novice! Up north, Lara and Ten win points towards Ten's Grand Championship! Also, Greta wins second place in her very first agility run with Tinna! And Savannah gets a couple more Q's at our trial in SC.
New video of Alice's puppy, Biddy, at 4 weeks old! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjCDP0M6xh4
Great weekend in NC! Savannah got two more QQ's (that's 15 now!). Also, Thunder won his first 4 points in conformation this weekend. Tango had a JWW 1st place win that was the fastest run of all height classes one day as well. And Brandy had some nice agility runs up north, one with a second place!
March 11
Up north, Brandy and Alisa get two more MX legs with nice times. Cirque and Lynn win 1st in JWW down in FL. Ela gets her second Rally Novice leg! And "Georgia" has a new home and will have a new name, "Remy" (we think!? name discussions still underway!) . She will be with Katy in Atlanta, where she will be getting to do all sorts of training with Katy at the Canine Ranch. I look forward to seeing great things in the future from these two!
3/18 weekend: Had a great weekend with friends at the Canine Capers Agility trial and also at the Dixie Disc Dog Championships this past weekend. Got to see Demi, Tango, Mercer, Flo, Georgia, Irish, Thunder, Vamp and Bodhi! Tango won 3rd in Exc B STD on Sunday, Demi won 1st in Open Fast and a second in Exc B JWW on Friday. Mercer had a nice Open Fast Q and had a wonderful debut in Freestyle disc dogging and a nice T&F score! Irish and Thunder did really well in the disc competition, I don't have their exact results yet. Puppies Bodhi and Remy played T&F too for rollers and small tosses. And Vamp made her debut in T&F and finished in the top 10!
I played with Will and Idgie in disc and Savannah in agility and I got to enjoy all the other Holther dogs I was surrounded with this weekend!
ALSO! Alisa and Brandy were up north competing in discs where she finished first in Div A in Freestyle, Distance and Accuracy and Bullseye. She finished 6th overall in the PA State Championships!
And Beth and Joe were out in California playing agility with Guinness. ALSO! Ela got her first Rally Novice leg, at the ripe age of 7 months! Congrats!!! What a busy spring season we all have with our dogs!
Savannah gets QQ #13! Also, puppy update here! And a new video of Brandy! New photos of Bodhi!
Alice has her baby girl!
Flo gets her CGC at the Hilton Head Island dog show.
February 11
Savannah goes 6 for 6 and gets 3 QQ's, all with placements, this past weekend in Tallahassee, FL! Thunder pup goes into the breed ring on Saturday and wins the BBE class. Still not quite ring-savvy, but he will learn :)
Cirque and Lynn get Cirque's AX title with a First place!
Some news I forgot to put up a few weeks ago: Cirque won his Exc A Std class in Palmetto and also earned his NF title in Vero! ALSO! Kerri and Echo went to an NADAC trial a few weeks ago as well and won a couple of firsts in std and a third in jww.
Great weekend at the Savannah, GA agility trials! Savannah won 2nd and 4th in two of her standard runs and a 4th in a jww run and earned QQ #9 this weekend. Tango and Lloyd had a great weekend with 2 more QQ's and several 1st, 2nd, 3rd placements ribbons. Our friends, the Muir family came to visit as well and Mark and Gipper won their first blue ribbon with a Q in Novice Standard! Had a great time as well visiting with Cecilia and her crew as well as Becky who brought Vamp to stay for a mini vacation.
Demi earns her MXJ and gets another QQ at an agility trial TN!
Fun (but long) agility weekend in Jacksonville, FL! One QQ, four standard Q's and an MX title for Savannah!
New pictures of Brandy and Greta and Ten :) Greta is spending some time in agility training up in the northeast with Tinna Brown. She was able to meet up with her cousins Brandy and Ela at an agility trial this weekend. Brandy won first place in her fast class at that trial.
Also, new pictures of Ela and Bodhi and Jace
Alice is pregnant, but the ultrasound showed only one puppy. They are not always 100% accurate, but even if there are a couple of extra puppies hiding in there, they are spoken for. But I will know more in a few weeks. We will hopefully be breeding 3 girls later this year (Greta, Stella and Savannah).
Greta - OFA finals! Hips Good and Elbows Normal! New picture of Flo!
January 11
NEW! Cirque pictures! New Ten pictures at 13 months old
Agility in Fletcher, NC - huge trial, great weekend! Savannah QQ'd all 3 days! Will earned his NF title. And Lloyd and Tango earned Tango's MX and she also placed 3rd in two runs (QQ) and 1st in a standard run among some really tough competition.
Ten is a new Champion! Congrats Lara!!!
First day of the Brooksville FL circuit, Ten goes WD and BOW! Two more points to go! Congrats Lara & Ten!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Alice has been bred to Craig. We are very excited about this breeding and will know around the first of February if she is pregnant. New pictures of Annie!
December 10
More points for Ten! Won't be long now and he'll be a Champion!
Another JWW Q for Savannah. Elkton, FL trial site standard ring had a circus with elephant matter prior which made for lots of sniffing, distracted dogs :( Came home early. Also! Another point for Lara and Ten!
Also, OFA hips prelim GOOD for Greta. It is a "prelim" because she wasn't quite 2 yrs old on the day the x-ray was taken (which was done 2 weeks before her 2 yr old b-day). She was also in full season when they were done. We'll get finals for formality in early 2011.
November 10
Pendleton, SC agility: Tango earns her Excellent FAST title and her first QQ and also a third place in a very competitive Exc B jww class! Great job Lloyd and Tango! My Savannah earns her MXJ title with 2 more jww Q's and a 19-point MX leg #5. We had a great time at the trial! And up north in conformation, Mr. TEN wins another major! Congrats, Lara!
Finn gets his Rally Excellent title with 2 second places!
Working on a page from the Holther Reunion!: CLICK HERE
The first annual Holther Border Collie Reunion was a BLAST. I could write and write about it, but suffice to say, I am truly blessed to have some of the BEST people possible as puppy-owners. Love you guys! I will start a page on the website soon dedicated to just the reunion with pictures, videos, etc. We missed several people who couldn't come, but we understand. Start planning for next year! (Click on picture below)
Alisa and Brandy get MACH points and their Open Fast title in Marietta, GA!
October 10
Halloween weekend - Savannah continues to amaze me! She hasn't done much agility at ALL since she had her puppies and we went to Jacksonville, FL for 3 days and she goes 5 for 6 runs and gets 2 more QQ's, despite some terrible handling moves on my part!
Becky and Vamp had a great weekend as well! She got her ASCA Rally Excellent title and then from regular Open Obedience class she went HIT!!! That is Vamp's 14th HIT and 22nd title and she just turned 2 years old!
GREAT 2010 BCSA Nationals in St. Louis! Becky and Vamp made their AKC obedience debut and WON both days in Novice A as well as Graduate Novice! Also a second and a third place in Excellent and Advanced Rally!
Lara and Ten won 4th place in a large competitive 9-12 puppy class at the National and FIRST in the same class the next day! See their pages for pictures from Purina Farms! **Also! News from the agility trial I missed... Donna and Demi got 2 more double-Q's!
Congrats to Becky and Vamp on another great weekend - 11 all-star points in UKC obedience! Congrats to Mark and Rocket on being runner up at USDDN World Finals! Congrats to Alisa and Brandy who did very well in their first Disc World Finals!
The puppies are all in their new homes now.... "Georgia" (Girl #3) is staying here....pictures to come soon of all the pups in their new homes. Also, Lad has found his new forever-home. I will miss my Laddy-Boy terribly, but I know that he is being absolutely loved and spoiled - getting to go to school with his new mom who is a teacher, getting to tag along to horse shows, going on hikes geocaching and much more with his new family! We hear he loves the trampoline!
Alice's hips come back OFA Good and elbows normal!
Becky and Vamp have another great weekend with another HIT in obedience and more points towards her UROC title!
Irish! New sponsorship - Lupine Collars! :)
Wow, what a weekend! Brandy and Alisa get her agility AX and OAJ titles, Vamp and Becky go down to FL and win all the blue ribbons and multiple HIT's in UKC obedience and rally, and Tango and Lloyd earn her MXJ with a second place (and a First in Excellent Fast as well as some other legs). Also, Savannah got her feet wet after just having puppies with another MXJ leg. Even better news than all this dog stuff is that my buddy Mark Muir is doing much better and out of the hospital now :)
NEW 8 week old puppy pictures!
September 10
NEW 7 week old puppy pictures!
Brandy qualifies for the USDDN World Finals! CONGRATS! And Vamp earns 12 more Q's in APDT Rally!
Irish's cover
Stella #2 litter turns two! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Also, NEW 5 week old puppy pictures!
Two QQ's for Demi this weekend! Tango now has 9 MXJ legs! Will got a 1st place in Nov FAST.
Big congrats to Melissa, Alice earns her RN title! New 4-week old puppy pictures! Also, 3 more MXJ legs for Tango and 1 second-place Exc B STD Q.
August 10
New 3-week old puppy pictures! Also... Big congrats to Lara and Ten on an incredible first show ever! Ten won best of Breed and a 5-point major at his very first dog show up in West Springfield, MA. He also won Best in Match at the Nutmeg BC Club's Border Collie match. Also, Becky and Vamp get a 199 in UKC Novice Obedience - congrats!
Ten at his very first dog show, in the herding group!:
First place for Cirque in Exc A JWW 20" in Greensboro! At another agility trial, some great runs and a Excellent Std Q, Open JWW Q and a Nov Fast title for Brandy, too!
New pics of puppies at 10 days old! And some new pics of Echo, Alice, Vamp, Brandy, Annie.
Becky and Vamp earn Vamp's ARCH (APDT Rally Championship) Congrats!!!
Alisa and Brandy win second place in the Intermediate division Skyhoundz Disc CanAm Games. Congrats!!!
Guinness and Joe get a Q and Second place in their second agility trial ever! Congrats you two!!! New pics of puppies too :)
Alice is a Champion! Congrats Melissa and Bob! Also, 8/8/10, Savannah has her puppies - 2 gold (ee red) and white males and 3 black and white females! Also! Vamp wins two more ASCA HIT's and also an obedience title!
July 10
July 30th weekend in Greenville, SC - Will is a Champion! He won in style (again!) going Best of Breed from the Bred-by class over several Champions for a 4-point major (his 4th major). All of his points were from the BBE class which will earn him an invitation to Eukanuba! Also, Thunder got to show one day for practice and he did great for his first time, I'm so proud of both of these boys! And then, Becky and Vamp earned Vamp's 10th QQ for her RAE title - Big congrats! Pictures to come...
New RL3 title for Vamp!
Becky and Vamp had yet another great weekend in ASCA obedience with HIT's!
9th weekend - Huge agility trial in Perry! I entered Will just to see how he would do in a trial situation even though he really isn't ready to trial...well, he went 6 for 6 runs earning his NA and NAJ titles at his very first trial! He had (4) Second placements and (2) Third placements in a competitive Novice B 20" class. I am SO proud of him! Lynn and Cirque had super fast runs as well as Lloyd and Tango. On Saturday, Tango (video on her page) got Third Place in Exc B Jww - another great placement! Donna and Demi got another QQ towards her MACH. Mark and Stacey with Irish and Thunder came to visit as well, and we had a great time. VIDEOS of some of these runs to come soon! Some pictures of Will below and a group shot! (L to R - Thunder, Irish, Will, Demi, Tango, Cirque)
4th weekend, enjoyed helping out the Muirs for the big disc show they put on at Fort Benning for the troops. Irish and Thunder were 2 of the 7 performers. Thunder and Irish below in their red sequins!
June 10
New pictures of Alice , Thunder , Riley and Ten!
Congrats to Beth and Joe with Miranda and Lara with Ten, both getting their CGC's at only 6 months old!
New pictures of Ten - just turned 6 months old. Thank you Jess and Lara for the pictures! Page updates for Brandy!
Congrats Alisa and Brandy on her OA and NAJ titles, as well as a NF leg and many First placements! Also, Becky and Vamp are at it again in AKC rally with MORE blue ribbons and 100's and now has 9 QQ's for RAE...one more QQ to go! She was also the first dog ever to be awarded a perfect 100 by judge Pat Pierce (and it was out of Exc B class)
Becky and Vamp had another wonderful weekend in tough UKC level 3 Rally! And another new title. Congrats!
Congrats to Alisa and Brandy on Brandy's NA title! Also to Becky and Vamp who won both of their classes this weekend in UKC rally.
May 10
Video of our weekend! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-KIucfQQHQ
Great weekend in Simpsonville, SC playing frisbee! Brandy came all the way down and won the open division on Saturday! Vamp got to come visit as well after a great day of Dock Diving. Irish and Thunder with the Muirs did great as usual! Will and Idgie even got to play in the event! In other news, Alice and Melissa finish off Alice's HSAs title - Congrats you two! And Tango racks up more MACH points as well. Videos and great pictures soon to come of the disc competition.
Another great weekend! In Atlanta: A double Q for Savannah in agility as well as for her litter sister Demi, too! Alice wins Best of Breed in SC and Will finally gets to swim in a real pool with Auntie Irish!
Great weekend! Irish and Mark WIN the Expert Sport Division (over 60+ teams) and qualifies for her second World Championships (Skyhoundz this time) this year! Also, Becky and Vamp had a GREAT Rally weekend earning 2 more double Q's and 4 more perfect 100 scores and now has her 7th of 10 QQ's required for her RAE title.
Tango gets her OF title with a first place! New pupdates!
New pictures of THUNDER at 18 weeks of age. We are so happy about Thunder's "surprise" jewel that arrived! Maybe this means the Muirs will let me show him in the future :)
New puppy video!
April 10
CONGRATS to Mark and IRISH on qualifying for the USDDN World Disc Dog Finals! She came in 4th overall at the Disc Dog Southern Nationals this weekend. Also Savannah and I got another leg towards her MXJ! Also, Cirque's OFA evaluations came back and he has Good hips and Normal elbows! Hopefully there is a place in the breeding program for him in the near future! :)
Great weekend in Perry, GA!
Click image to the left - the three littermates having a visit - Irish, Cirque & Tango
Cirque got his OAJ title with a First place and had some gorgeous runs in Excellent: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILoguSqidKU
Tango got her AX title on Thurs and then won 3rd place on Saturday in Exc B Std class, and 2nd place Exc B JWW on Sunday!
Here is her Sunday run: www.youtube.com/user/ylloyd5#p/a/u/0/V43gDYX4NJs
Will and I got another major from the bred-by exhibitor class at his third dog show - 3 majors and 11pts so far.
Other fantastic news: Alice makes her herding debut in NC and gets 2 legs of her HSAs!
ALSO! New Stella puppy pictures at 5 weeks old
New Miranda pictures!
First places for Lynn and Cirque in Open JWW and Open STD in FL, and a new OA title! Second place for Savannah in a competitive Fast class in Columbia, SC
New puppy pictures! Congrats Cecilia and Mercer on another First Place in agility and another open jww leg! Also congrats to Alisa and Brandy on a First place in their very first agility run for a novice standard leg.
March 10
27th weekend was a Rally Obedience weekend! Vamp gets more QQ's towards her RAE title (she's halfway there now!) and Finn gets a pair of 99's towards his advanced title and blue ribbons as well!
New puppy pictures!
19th-21st - Awesome agility weekend in Atlanta! Savannah and I had one of our better weekends and she finished up her AX and AXJ titles (both with First placements)! Also, Mercer had a great weekend earning more Open Standard and JWW legs with multiple First placements and a Second! Demi finished her AXJ title with a second placement. And Tango had a great weekend, earning her AXJ and another Exc Std leg, all with First placements. NEW Tango video HERE. NEW Mercer video HERE.
March 12 - Stella has her pups! 6 girls - crazy! And one is a gold (ee red) and white. Unfortunately, the very last puppy she gave birth to didn't make it and will be waiting at the Rainbow Bridge with her uncle Beau Sr.
Agility news - Cirque gets an open jww leg with 3rd place in FL and Tango finishes her NF title and gets a 1st place in excellent jww and (2) 2nd place q's in Open Fast, in NC.
February 10
Tired after Tallahassee! (Agility and Conformation) Will went to his second dog show and did great! First day he won a four point major and Best of Breed over specials (and made a 6-dog cut in a tough herding group!). Second day he went WD/BOW for a 3 point major. I'm so proud of him. Last (only) time he showed in a real show was one day, nearly a year ago, where he won a point. Savannah was wild this weekend, but we did manage to get another leg in Excellent JWW with a First place!
New video of Puppy Girl #2 and Greta: http://www.youtube.com/user/holtherborders#p/a/u/0/ZlaYBqvLvl8
Congrats Becky and Vamp on a Rally Excellent title and 3 QQ's towards her RAE with 4 First Placements and one perfect score of 100! Also, agility weekend in Savannah, GA: Savannah gets a 1st in Excellent A Standard 20" on Sat, Mercer and Cecilia finish his NA and NF titles, and Tango and Lloyd finish her OAJ and gets a first place in Exc A Std 16".
New Greta pics @ 14 months
Lloyd and Tango had a great weekend in USDAA agility! Tango won 4th place in the competitive 22" Grand Prix qualifier (at just a hair under 18" tall, she normally jumps 16" in AKC). She also got several Q's, titles and First placements over the weekend. Way to go you two!
Picture HERE.
UPDATES! New puppy updates and a bunch of SNOW PICTURES - YAY!
Pictures of Ten, Savannah's first born pup, who is now in his new home with Lara!
Stella is pregnant by Epic! Also, Savannah back in the saddle for first time since pups, had a nice agility trial. No Q's, but she was HAPPY!
January 10
Will wins a nice Group 1 in a match and Alice gets another point. In agility, Lynn and Cirque get two Open Std legs!
New pictures/video of the puppies here :)
New video of Cirque! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj7rp1OT1CE
Vamp goes to an APDT rally trial for 2 days and comes back with 8 first placements, 3 perfect scores and 2 new titles!
New Bella pictures! Also...Savannah pups - 3 week old pictures/video!
December 09
Savannah's puppies are born! (New 2 week old pictures and video added 12/28) and their sire, Epic, now has his HIBs title! Also a new video of Vamp's vacation here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=qalnM8drUX0
Vamp gets her Rally Advanced title with a First place!
Great start to December - Alice gets her PT herding title and Cirque gets his NAJ in lightening fast speed! Video HERE
November 09
Well well well... could this possibly be Ryder? :) http://valentinesdaymovie.com/
Way to go Alisa and Brandy! Brandy gets several first placements in a disc tournament this weekend! And Lloyd and Tango had a great weekend at their first USDAA agility trial with really fast times, multiple legs, firsts and second placements in jumpers and gamblers.
Congrats to Guinness! The G-Man goes Best of Winners for points at his very first dog shows out in CA!
13th weekend: Congrats to Becky and Vamp! Rally Novice obedience title in one weekend in Concord, NC with 3 very nice First placements with scores of 100, 99 and 100! Wish I could've made it to see you guys! Congrats Cirque for a FIRST in Nov B Jumpers!
Agility: CONGRATS Demi and Donna! She gets her AX title and another AXJ leg with a first place!
Savannah gets Q's with first placements towards her AX and AXJ on Nov 7th. Also, Tango earns her OA title and another OAJ leg! And Alice gets another two points in the show ring!
Halloween weekend full of agility! Savannah completes her OA and OAJ titles with 2nd and 3rd placements. Mercer makes his agility debut and gets his NAJ title as well as 2 legs of his NA title and a leg of his NF title - with several 1st placements - Congrats, Cecilia! And at another trial, Tango gets several 1st placements in Open Std and Open JWW - congrats, Lloyd!
October 09
Another agility weekend! Savannah gets First Place in her first Open jww run as well as another open jww leg in her second run and also an Open standard leg with a third place. Demi, her littermate, gets a First in Excellent Std! Also, Cirque, down in S. FL gets his NA title! Also - Brandy gets a second place in her freestyle disc dog routine!
Cirque's very first agility trial - a First Place and a Third, in Nov B, with very fast times and now has a standard and a jumpers leg . Wow! Congrats to Lynn and Cirque!
Irish wins an incredible 2nd place (and only was 1/2 point shy of first!) in Saturday's Pro Toss and Fetch at USDDN World Disc Championships! Also, Clooney's daughter wins RWB at the BCSA 2009 National Specialty! Kisha's half-sister, Devon, wins the BCSA specialty show (again!) at the National - congrats Carolyn! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend any of the events I wanted to on this weekend, as Savannah's heat cycle is in full bloom!
Brandy, in her second disc competition ever, at a year old, wins first place in freestyle at a Skyhoundz local! Video on her page
Finn get his Rally Novice title!
September 09
Irish and Mark get 6th place out of 78 teams at the Skyhoundz World Championship qualifier!
Savannah gets her NA and NAJ agility titles in Columbia, SC, with four First Placements!
Vamp goes HIGH IN TRIAL at a large UKC show and Alice gets WB in Atlanta for another 2 points! Not a bad weekend for these littermates who just turned a year old this week!
Alice gets a major win at the Atlanta dog show! Litter sister Vamp gets a second UKC Rally leg!
Tango completes her NA, NAJ titles in agility, at her second trial weekend, with 1st placements. Congrats, Lloyd! Savannah got another novice standard leg with a nice first place! She would've finished her novice titles, but she has the one-bar-curse right now! AndDemi gets her OAJ title and another Excellent leg.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the Stella x Cap second litter. Your owners are awesome (well on that note, the first Stella-Cap litter owners are really awesome, too)! Special thanks to G's, Brandy's , Vamp and Alice's owners for making a beautiful book about the litter's first year. I have been really blessed with such excellent homes for my pups.
Alice gets three points during her very first dog show weekend! Congrats to owners Melissa and Bob!
A Dog Year movie trailer:
August 09
Alice gets her first UKC Rally leg with a 93!
Another title for Vamp, UKC Ultimate Air dock diving (UJJ) - congrats! Vamp also got a first place with 195 in UKC subnovice obedience and a 100 in UKC rally.
Great weekend! Congrats, Becky - Vamp gets her novice dock-diving title at BuckMasters! And congrats to Sandy and Finn, who got two Rally Obedience legs (one in the ribbons) this past weekend! And Alisa and Brandy placed 4th in their very first freestyle disc competition!
FINALLY!!! A Dog Year to come out on HBO on September 3... Click:
Congrats to Becky and Vamp, who earned her RLP title with great runs/scores!
July 09
Agility News: Fun weekend in Perry, GA. Savannah gets her first std Q in agility with a second place! ONE bar prevented her q's in each jww. Tango gets 3 Q's, 3 first places! Way to go, Lloyd, with his very first agility dog. Videos on their pages. Demi(Savannah's littermate) had nice runs in excellent std and open jww.
NEW PICS of Vamp and G!
June 09
My Sister's Keeper with Ryder is now in theaters!
New video of Will
New pics of littermates Alice & Brandy
Moss gets a 3 pt major win at his very first dog show in Asheville, NC
May 09
Irish places 6th in Super Open freestyle USDDN - way to go, Mark! Video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnnfrQMYa8s
Finn gets his CGC - Congrats to his owner, Sandy!
New Greta pictures! Also, some fun pics from her chicken round-up
Brandy and her owner Alisa in NJ won first place in their age division in Bark for the Cure's 5K race, averaging a little over 7 mins per mile - wow!
Congrats to Kisha's son, Slater, who just won GRAND Champion status in Australia. Savannah, Mercer and Will also send congrats to their handsome half-brother!
Will gets his first point at his first dog show
April 09
Vamp earns her CGC with flying colors with Becky!
Savannah gets her TDI certification so she can now make therapy visits
Way to go Beth, Joe and Guinness! Guinness gets his CGC and is quite the well-behaved gentleman at 7 months old.
Will gets his hip results back, he's OFA GOOD :)
NEW! Movie trailer for My Sister's Keeper (Click link): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17sIyLOm0Xc
Came across this today http://www.amazon.com/gp/mpd/permalink/m9CUCQUFUI73K
Mercer is a champion! He wins a 4 point major in Perry, GA. Congrats to Cecilia, Mercer's owner, and thank you for the opportunity to handle him on this special day! He also got his HIC and CGC as well. Greta wins best of breed and a herding Group 1st in the large, competitive puppy match in Perry, as well!
Mercer wins a 5 point major in Elkton, Florida! He only needs one more point to finish his championship.
New Greta pictures!
Busy month to come! We've had a few slight changes than originally planned. Several disc events, a herding trial, some TDI tests and some conformation shows thrown in, perhaps, if I can get out of town every weekend this month! And then, hopefully some puppies for May. Happy first Birthday to the Chloe x Cap kids this month!!!
March 09
Will is going to be playing disc this spring! Will spent some time with the GA Irish gang but is coming back home (he is a mama's boy!). Now I just need to make myself train with Mark when I can and learn how to throw that piece of plastic better! I really appreciate the drills and different throwing technique he taught me.
Demi gets her Open Agility title!
I have updated the recent Stella x Cap litter page - they are 6 months old and now have individual pages with updates.
February 09
Greta arrives from Germany! Thank you, Carolyn Brack!
Will's page has been updated with new pictures. More to come soon.
Came across a magazine with a really neat quote from Emma Roberts (Julia Robert's niece), one of the stars in Hotel For Dogs
“There was this one dog, a Border Collie named Ryder (he played Shep in the movie), who was the smartest animal I had ever been around. I’ve done a lot of horseback riding, and I always thought horses were the smartest animals, but this collie was brilliant. Even though he’s a trained movie dog, you could tell by everything he did, from eating to heeling, that he’s just the smartest dog alive. We became great, great friends, and I’ll never forget that dog. I hope he never forgets me.” -Emma Roberts interview in Healthy Pets Magazine, Winter 2008
December 08
12/13/08 Being a Nintendo Wii fan, I was thrilled to learn they have made a game out of Hotel For Dogs! http://www.hotelfordogsthegame.com/ Also, an exclusive FAO Schwarz plush toy! More Hotel For Dogs stuff here.
*Also! Congrats to Kathy and Journey, who are competing in UKC. She is currently ranked #1 in Border Collies for 2008: http://www.ukcdogs.com/WebSite.nsf/WebPages/DETopTen (#1 as of 11/08)
12/6/08 Savannah earns her breed Championship by going Best of Breed in Lake City, FL! All of her points came from the Bred By Exhibitor Class. Also, I just received new Irish and Tango videos!
November 08
11/29/08 Savannah does Savannah (again!) and wins a 4 point major from the Bred-By-Exhibitor class and goes Best of Breed at Savannah Kennel Club shows with a large entry. Also, her littermate brother, Mercer, goes Best of Opposite sex to her, from the classes, for a 4 point major as well. Congrats to Mercer's owner-handler, Cecilia Lamb! Very unfortunately, the show had to be canceled for the final two days due to rain.
11/15/08 Ocala, FL show: Mercer goes Winners Dog/Best of Winners for points under judge Linn Klingel, who is also the head of the Judges' Education Committee for the Border Collie Society of America. Also, Savannah received her heart clearance for OFA database from a cardio vet specialist at a clinic at the show.
11/7/08 weekend Demi earns her NA, NAJ agility titles and a leg in Open Standard! She will return to agility competition in the spring with her owner, Donna. Congrats to you both!
11/1/08 - Herding news! Sport and I go HIGH IN TRIAL in FL with a 96.5 on his B course run! Sport also completed his HSAd title and his HSBs title! My princess, Savannah, earns her PT as well. I also got to visit with Cirque (Cap x Stella) this weekend, who has a new video! Also, Savannah's herding page has been updated with new video as well. What a GREAT weekend.
September 08
9/13/08 Stella has her puppies! 2 boys and 4 girls.
9/1/08 Pete goes to his new home, where he will get to be a disc dog. I will miss him so much! What a pup and what a great 15 weeks I had with him. We look forward to great things in the future from Pete and Joe!
August 08
Hampton earns his OA (with a 1st place) and OAJ (with a 2nd) with very fast times! Congrats to his 13 yr old
owner-handler, Courtney, who has only had him just a little over a year, and is her first agility dog. This same
weekend he also Q'd and 1st place in his first Excellent Standard run.
Mercer's page has been updated!
Mercer gets his ortho clearances! OFA Hips Good, Elbows are Normal. He also has clearances for normal Thyroid, Cardio, BAER, CERF and is CEA/CH/CL/TNS Clear/Normal as well.
July 08
Cirque graduates his puppy agility class "with honors" !
Hammy now has two legs towards his OA and OAJ agility titles!
June 08
There is now a preview/trailer for Hotel For Dogs www.hotelfordogsmovie.com
Ryder has his own downloadable screensaver :)
Also, Hampton earns his NAJ!
May 12th
A call to OFA (couldn't wait for answer!) for Savannah's excellent hip and normal elbow results!
May 4th
Kisha earns her PT title and Sport and I fumble our way through and receive a second HSAd leg!
April 12th
Tom gave us updates on our Border Collie movie actors and their newest feature film!
April 8th
Chloe x Cap puppies are born.
Cirque spends his day on the set of the movie, Marley and Me
Hampton earns his Novice Agility title.